How to Sell Your Software to a Big Company

Published on
January 31, 2023
How to Sell Your Software to a Big Company

Are you an entrepreneur with a software solution that could benefit large companies? If so, now is the time to start thinking about how to sell your software to a big company.

Selling your software doesn't have to be daunting - if you do it right, selling your product can open up many new opportunities and help boost revenue.

In this blog post, we will discuss key steps on how to sell your software to a big company. And with these tips in hand, you'll be able to sell your app and reap massive rewards.

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What’s the Worth of Your Software in the Marketplace?

When it comes to selling your software, the worth of your product in the marketplace is a major factor. Before you can even think about pitching your software to big companies, you must first understand its value and how much it’s worth in the market.

To determine this, consider what problem does your software solve? Is there any other existing product that solves the same problem as yours?

How big is the market for this type of solution? What makes your software unique from other products on the market? Which industry does it serve?

These are all important questions that will help you create a unique selling point (USP) and pitch your software effectively. Knowing these answers will also give you an idea of how much money potential buyers may be willing to pay for it.

Another thing to consider when determining worth is who would benefit most from using or buying your product. If large corporations have already expressed interest in similar solutions, then they could be more likely to invest in yours too if they see potential benefits for their business operations.

On top of that, understanding what features make up an ideal customer profile can help tailor marketing efforts toward those prospects with higher conversion rates.

Finally, look into competitive pricing strategies within similar markets and try to come up with a fair price range based on current trends and customer feedback on competing products or services. This way you can ensure customers get good value while still making sure there’s enough profit margin left over after production costs are covered so investors feel confident investing in it too!

How to Sell Your Software to a Big Company

When selling your software to a big company, it’s important to tailor your pitch and emphasize the return on investment (ROI) of your product. You want to make sure you’re getting in front of the right decision-maker by emphasizing ROI in every discussion.

Be prepared for a longer sales cycle since large companies tend to have more people involved in the decision-making process. Your sales team should be able to adjust their pitch slightly as they learn more about the company they are selling to but should always have a clear center point that emphasizes value and ROI over specific features or usability.

Make sure you understand what kind of metrics matter most when pitching your software's proof of value. This will likely vary depending on who is making the final call at each stage. Demonstrate how your product can help save money, increase efficiency, reduce errors, or otherwise improve operations within the organization.

Also, consider how other departments could benefit from using your software. If there are any cross-departmental opportunities for collaboration or cost savings, then make sure those points are highlighted during discussions with potential buyers.

Finally, don't forget about post-sale customer service. Having an excellent support system available after purchase is essential for building trust with larger organizations and increasing customer loyalty.


How to Sell Enterprise Software to Businesses

When it comes to selling enterprise software, businesses need to be at the forefront of your marketing strategy. To ensure success, you must prioritize user experience and design when creating your product. This means focusing on usability and aesthetics in order to create a product that is easy for users to understand and use.

Additionally, having an effective go-to-market strategy can help you reach more potential customers.

Start by conducting market research so that you have a better understanding of who your target audience is and what their needs are. This will allow you to tailor your product accordingly and make sure it meets the requirements of businesses in the industry.

You should also focus on building relationships with potential customers through networking events or online channels such as LinkedIn or Twitter. Doing this will give you insight into how they think about enterprise software solutions and what features they’re looking for from them.

Once you have identified customer needs, create a plan for how best to meet them with your product offering. Make sure that any features included are relevant and useful for business users – don’t just add bells and whistles because they look good!

Consider how best to promote the software: traditional methods such as print advertising may still work but digital channels like social media can be incredibly powerful tools if targeted at specific demographics.

Remember that customer service matters just as much as sales when it comes to selling enterprise software successfully – after all, happy customers become loyal ones! Ensure there is adequate support available both before purchase (ease of contact) during implementation (helpful tutorials), and after sales (responsive technical assistance).

By taking these steps into account when selling enterprise software, you can begin reaping the rewards from your software solutions.

Selling Your Software – The Game Plan

The key to selling your software is having a plan. Before you can start looking for potential buyers, you need to know who your target audience is and what kind of marketing strategy will be most effective in reaching them.

Start by creating a Client Profile or Persona. This should include information about the type of company you want to sell your software to, their location, capital size, last software purchase (if any), and other basic details. Having this information will help narrow down the list of companies that are likely interested in purchasing your product.

Once you have identified potential buyers, it’s time to create a marketing plan for how you will reach them. Consider both digital and traditional advertising. You may also want to hire an agency with experience in developing effective marketing strategies and materials specifically tailored for tech products like yours.

Start a blog or page dedicated solely to promoting the features of your software so that companies become familiar with it before making their decision on whether or not they would like to buy it from you.

FAQs About How to Sell Your Software to a Big Company

How do I sell my product to a large company?

  • Break down big companies into smaller entities.
  • Employ a foot-in-the-door sales approach.
  • Pay the admission price.
  • Speak the language of business.
  • Launch an account entry campaign.
  • Plan your campaign from the onset.
  • Focus on trigger events.

How do you sell software effectively?

  • Curate a small, highly targeted app portfolio.
  • Build a compelling value proposition.
  • Use "pull marketing" to generate leads.
  • Bundle apps with core services, not other apps.
  • Use a human touch to sell.
  • Don't just sell features -- sell holistic, customer-centric solutions.

How long does it take to sell a software company?

If you work with smaller investors who tend to be less risk-averse, you may be able to sell your business in a shorter amount of time. However, if you work with a large venture capital firm, you may need to wait up to ten years before you can sell.


How to sell your software to a big company can be a daunting task, but with the right research, pitch, and negotiation skills it is possible. By taking the time to understand potential customers' needs and developing an effective pitch that resonates with them, you will have a much better chance of closing the deal.

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Jed Ng
Jed Ng

“Jed is the Founder of - a program dedicated to helping angels build their own syndicates.

He has a track record of exits and Unicorns, and is backed by 1000+ LPs.

He previously built and ran the world's largest API Marketplace in partnership with a16z-backed, RapidAPI".

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